How do I demonstrate my evaluation?

Early childhood teachers please note. If you are working at a site where evaluator is not a registered teacher, you should read the information below, but follow the modified process .

The first thing you will need to do is find an evaluator.  For someone to be your evaluator they will need to:

  • hold (full) registration for the whole of the evaluation period;
  • be in a line-management role to your teaching position e.g. direct line-manager or a person in leadership;
  • have sufficient familiarity with your teaching practice to make a holistic judgement about your eligibility for (full) registration;
  • be willing to support you through the evaluation process; and
  • have no conflict of interest (real or perceived) in connection with your application.

If you are not sure who this person will be, you should speak to your line-manager or principal so that you can be assigned an evaluator.

You will need to share multiple forms of evidence with your evaluator to demonstrate how you have met the Proficient level in the seven Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST ). It is expected your evaluator has sufficient familiarity with the APST and has made observations of your teaching practice to be able to undertake this process.

Your evaluator will make a summative judgement about the evidence you share with them and indicate on the application form whether they are satisfied that you are working at the Proficient level in each of the APST. They will also need to complete the section stating whether or not they recommend that you should be granted (full) Registration status.

You will need to share evidence with your evaluator that demonstrates how you are working at the Proficient level in each of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST). This could include:

  • planning and programming documentation
  • resources modified to suit a range of learning needs (differentiation)
  • annotated samples of students’/children’s work over a period of time
  • performance development processes
  • reflections on the impact your professional learning has on your teaching
  • collaborations and communications with parents, carers, and the community
  • professional observations and collaborations with colleagues.

The process must include the evaluator’s observations of your teaching practice and evidence of students’/children’s learning. Observations can be supported by the AITSL resource The Classroom Practice Continuum , which brings the APST to life by building out the Professional Practice Domain and articulating what teachers at increasing levels of expertise do in the classroom.

You can start gathering your evidence at any time once you begin teaching. You should collect multiple pieces of evidence for each of the APST, but can also use one item as evidence for several of the APST.  You should discuss with your evaluator what types of evidence may be required, how much information you should provide, and how you will be sharing your evidence (e.g. hard-copy documents, e-portfolio, professional discussions and observations).

Although there are 37 focus area descriptors listed within the APST you are not required to have a specific piece of evidence for each focus area. The focus areas are there to clarify and unpack each Standard as a whole. Your evaluator needs to make an on-balanced judgment about your capacity to meet the Standards at the Proficient career stage appropriate to your teaching context.

It is highly recommended that you complete the Summary Record of Evidence  document during the evaluation process. You will need to supply your Summary Record of Evidence if you are selected for audit.