Protective practices for staff in their interactions with children and young people Guidelines for staff working or volunteering in education or care settings" has applied to staff in all education and care sectors in South Australia since 2005.

The guidelines aim to ensure the emotional and physical well-being of children and young people by guiding adults in understanding appropriate boundaries within their professional roles and interactions with them.

They are designed to help staff uphold their responsibilities, professional ethics, and conduct obligations, fostering confidence in their interactions with children and young people.

The scope of these protective practices extends to all staff across various education and care sectors, including teachers and holders of a Special Authority to Teach, for whom adherence to the guidelines is mandatory. The document emphasizes the establishment of positive, safe, and respectful relationships in education and care settings.

On 16 June 2022, the Protective Practices Guidelines were published in the South Australian Government Gazette as being adopted under Schedule 31B(1) of the Teachers Registration and Standards Act (2004), to be observed by accredited teaching professionals, to take effect from 5 November 2021.