The Registrar has overall responsibility for ensuring that complaints are assessed/investigated fully, impartially and within reasonable timeframes.

On receipt of a complaint the Registrar will task the Board’s Investigation Unit to conduct a preliminary assessment to determine if there is reasonable cause to investigate the allegations.

If allegations received are complex in nature the Registrar may also consult the Crown Solicitor, who provides legal advice to the Registrar.

Complaints arising from matters of school policy and management procedures are not generally investigated by the Board and should be referred to the respective school’s management for attention.

The Board recognises that all members of the public have the right to make complaints and to have their complaint considered objectively and professionally within applicable legislative provisions.

On occasion, a person lodging a complaint can act in ways which:

  • are vexatious in nature
  • are unreasonably persistent;
  • involve unreasonable demands;
  • exhibit a lack of cooperation;
  • demonstrate unreasonable arguments.

The Board has developed an Unreasonable Complainant Procedure to provide guidance in the management of vexatious complaints and/or unreasonable conduct by any person lodging a complaint.