For each professional learning activity undertaken you must record the following information in the My Professional Learning History Tool on the Teachers Portal:

  • Title and type of professional learning or the title and a brief description of the activity
  • Starting date and completion date or the date(s) on/over which you complete the activity
  • Total hours - how much time you committed to the activity
  • Evidence held - the type of evidence you have retained for the completion of this activity
  • Click 1-2 Australian Professional Standards for Teachers  (APST) that align to to the learning activity
  • Connection to the APSTs - a brief description, in your own words, of how the connection between your learning and the standard(s) selected.

A number of renewal applications will be randomly selected for audit following the renewal processIf you are audited, you will be asked to ensure that your professional learning history is up-to-date on the Teachers Portal.

Points to Remember

  • Do not use acronyms, vague descriptions or list the APST focus area descriptors.
  • Assume that the person reading your professional learning history does not know the teaching context or the professional learning activity.
  • Specify how each learning activity was relevant to the selected APST and your professional growth as a teacher.
  • Professional learning is not professional practice so do not include your day-to-day work, such as parent teacher nights, attendance at camps or preparing units of work for teaching.

For recording purposes, select only the most relevant APST as this will assist when explaining the connection to the Standard in your own words.

Referencing to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Each professional learning activity must be referenced to at least one of the APST. It is anticipated that these activities will include a range of APST, however it is not compulsory to cover all seven APST across the 100 hours of professional learning per five-year term of registration.

You will need to briefly describe how each recorded learning activity links to one or more of the APST. This description should clearly demonstrate to a reader how the activity was a meaningful learning opportunity that supports your professional growth as a teacher.