The Teachers Registration Board of South Australia regulates the teaching profession to ensure that educators working across our State meet the highest quality teaching and safety standards expected by the community.

To support members of the teaching profession throughout their careers, and maintain the highest standards are ensured, the agency has developed the Teachers Registration Board  Strategic Plan 2022-2025.

This plan outlines the strategic outcomes and directions and recognises our need to respond to growing community expectations, while ensuring the teaching profession in South Australia is respected for its vital role in delivering excellence in education.

The Board of the Teachers Registration Board performs a vital governance role to set the strategic direction of the agency and monitor the performance against agreed targets.

With this in mind, the Teachers Registration Board Strategic Plan 2022-2025 is a critical document that will guide the Board on the agency’s priorities and how a range of resources, risks, and challenges will be addressed.

Teachers Registration Board Strategic Plan 2022-2025